RBC vs wbc

RBC vs wbc
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Difference Between Red Blood Cells (RBC) and White Blood Cells (WBC)

Characteristics Red Blood Cells (RBC) White Blood Cells (WBC)
Color Red Colorless
Size Smaller than WBC Larger than RBC
Number More numerous than WBC Less numerous than RBC
Nucleus No nucleus Contains nucleus
Function Transport oxygen to body tissues Defense against pathogens and foreign substances
Shape Biconcave disc shape Varies (depending on the type of WBC)
Lifespan Average lifespan of about 120 days Lifespan varies (some live for hours, while others can live for years)
Production Produced in the bone marrow Produced in the bone marrow and lymphoid organs
Types Only one type of RBC (erythrocyte) Several types of WBC (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils)